A lot of gay pride stickers cowboys

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The Sissy Duckling by Harvey Fierstein is a lovely book. That one book that you may disagree with may be the one book that sparks a love of reading and learning for a child. We are all capable of setting rules for our own families that fit with our own boundaries but banning books from schools and libraries is not the answer. I know that some of you aren’t comfortable reading some or maybe all of these books with your kids and as a parent you get to make the rules at your house for your family and I respect that. I hope no matter what your personal feelings about a book may be that you are as outraged as I am that books are still being banned in this day and age. Parents are by far the most frequent challengers and school libraries are by far the most frequent place to make a challenge.

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This week is Banned Books Week and I wish I could say that no picture books are ever banned but sadly that is not the case.

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